Life is unexpected. I don’t think anyone of us ever truly figures this thing called life out. I mean two people sleep together and make a baby and then you have another life force in to existence. And then depending on the circumstances, that life force has an adventure of many story lines, and then uses up its universal energy and poof it’s gone. And eventually forgotten, right? I mean who can you recall from 200 years ago? Even if you read about an individual in history books, that person’s memory has not lived on because all those who could remember are long gone too. So what’s the point of all of this? And how is it that a person cannot exist, and then exist and then not exist again. Something from nothing. I think therefore I am, but one day I will stop processing thought. Which drives me mad, because I cherish this thing called life. I love who I am as an individual and I love and adore those people in my life who complete me; my 78-year-old paternal Grandmother, my mom, my dad, ...