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Showing posts from January, 2010

Job Seeker?

It’s January and it’s cold outside. Happy New Year everyone! I have so many plans and ideas, but the temperature is so frigid, that I can’t even think straight to put anything into motion. This is supposed to be the year, in which I let go and do things my way, because life is just too short not to. This is the year, in which I take my career to a whole nother level, and find a way to make a difference in the lives of those around me. This could be the year, in which I say good bye to the security of a nine to five desk job, of nine years, and follow through on a more rewarding experience. It’s scary to say these thoughts out loud or let alone type them on a computer screen. It’s a frightening time for change and the current job market is nothing but volatile. The current unemployment rate now stands at ten percent and the headlines at read “Zero Net Job Creation Over Last Ten Years”. Meaning, if I’m looking to jump careers in search of new employment opportunities, ...