Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen I don’t collect Angels, but I do have a collection. And I never thought about it before, but all my little angels have been gifted to me. Today I had a visit from an angelic older lady who noticed one of my angels on top of my office desk. She mentioned that she keeps angels next to photos of her children as protection. She said she had quite a huge collection but she purchased not a one. She said all of her pieces had been given to her by loved ones, and she’s come to believe that her Angels have flown to her. As she said this and shared her story, I connected and realized that all my angels have come flying to me too! I remember once at a Melungeon conference with my Mom, sister and ex-boyfriend when a total stranger came up to me and handed me her angel lapel pin. She tapped me on the shoulder as I sat next to family in the hotel c...